Teenlink- Identity

This program is a 10 week course, where you will learn more about you. you will learn about healthy relationships, do some personality awareness profiles, scheduling and time management, as well as, learning about other things as well.

The purpose of learning these skills is to help you apply them in your community, as we continue with educating about topics so you can make informed decisions, to grow and engage others in these decisions.

This course will take place on Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM starting February 9th 2023 at Simcoe Gospel Chapel. To register fill in the following form to request a registration email. You are not registered until you complete the registration email, and submit $50 in payment. Parent and student emails and names are required or form is deemed incomplete.

This course is done in partnership with Jean Montgomery Professional Services, Citrine Counselling, Simcoe Gospel Chapel, Norfolk County and Youth Unlimited YFC Norfolk.

Program Registration

Student Name
Parent Name